Growing Apple Trees? Check Out These Pruning Tips To Boost Growth

tree care Croydon

Do you have apple trees in your garden? Fruit trees need special care to help grow more fruits. Pruning is essential for all trees as it keeps diseases at bay and promotes healthy growth. An apple tree is one of the most common trees that most gardens have. Apples come in a wide range of varieties, and you need to look after this tree properly to harvest a good amount of fruits. Early summer to mid-winter is generally the best time to harvest apples. We suggest hiring tree surgeons for the appropriate tree care in Croydon. Let’s dive deeper into the subject in this blog below.


How to Prune Apple Trees


Well, the basics of pruning apple trees are nothing different from pruning other fruit trees, But pruning apple trees requires you to consider other additional factors as well.


  • Certain varieties of apples are spur bearers, whereas some are tip bearers. Both of them require different pruning.

  • Another factor you need to keep in mind is that these trees can grow on varieties of rootstocks.


Tip Bearing vs Spur Bearing


  • Most apples are typically spur-bearers, meaning they bear fruits on a 2-year-old or older wood. You will find this wood in the short fruit-bearing form called spurs.


  • Spur-bearing ones are generally slow-growing leafy shoots and a mixed (both leaves and flowers) terminal bud.


  • Tip-bearing varieties are fewer as it bears fruit as clusters near the longer shoots’ tips. You will find considerably less spur, and they also have a greater length of bare wood between shoots and buds.


Please note that certain varieties are mixed, i.e. both spur and tip bearing.


You need to understand the type of your tree before moving ahead with pruning.


Tips for pruning spur-bearing apple trees


  • For older trees, just remove overcrowded spurs, as they will have less fruit buds.


  • You can also reduce the laterals on each branch to promote spur growth. But you can avoid pruning short laterals.


  • A 2-year-old spur is most likely to have just a couple of new laterals. You can shorten each of them to encourage healthy spur growth.


Tips for pruning tip-bearing apple trees


  • First, identify the growth of new laterals and shoots, as they must be left unpruned.


  • If the trees are mature, renewal pruning is what we recommend for the removal of older fruiting laterals.


Manor Gardens Tree Care offers a wide range of varieties of tree care services in Croydon. Book an appointment with us today, and let us help you have a healthy garden.

How Can Tree Care Services Spot Signs of Drought Stress in Trees?

Bromley tree services

Summer is inarguably the most challenging period for the trees in the garden. Even after getting the proper amount of water and fertiliser, the trees may get affected by water loss. If the dry spell around the area goes on for long, the trees may suffer from drought stress.


More About Drought Stress:


Dried and sick trees are always a disheartening visual for the garden owner. It can pose a serious threat to your property and even your community. If your garden possesses woody plants, there is a greater chance it may suffer from drought stress. Thankfully, the issue can be quickly detected and addressed by professionals of Bromley tree services.


The Signs of Drought Stress in Trees:

In the following section, we talk more about the definitive signs of drought stress in trees. You must act proactively if you notice these signs and find an appropriate solution. Contact a tree care professional to give optimum care and attention to the tree.


Notice the Leaves of the Tree:


If you doubt your tree is suffering from drought stress, check its leaves. Studying the leaf condition can inform you about the tree’s overall condition. The sooner you detect the issue, the more time you get to take care of the tree. Here are some signs that you should look out for:


  • Defoliation: It is the condition where leaves fall from the trees even before autumn.

  • Leaf scorch: Here, the leaves get discoloured and become brown from the exteriors. If your garden has pine trees, the needles will acquire a yellowish hue.

  • Stem dieback: It is a common issue that is caused by a lack of water and nutrients. The stem of the tree dies from the outer canopy inward.

  • Smaller leaf formation: It is another noticeable trait where your tree will start producing smaller leaves than usual.

  • Wilting: If you spot your leaves to be dropping or curling, you can be sure that it is suffering from wilting.


As the owner of a garden, you must look at these signs of drought stress in your trees. Tending to these problems and protecting your garden from getting affected by the scorching spell of the summer sun is crucial. If you need an expert’s assistance, do not hesitate to contact Manor Gardens Tree Care. We are one of the most reliable garden services in Bromley. You can expect prompt action from our professionals to eliminate the problems of drought stress in your trees. For more information, you can visit our website today.

Don’t Miss These Important Tips to Prune Small Trees and Shrubs

tree care Croydon

Do you know the right way to trim your shrubs and small trees? Pruning is important to remove the dead and dry stubs and branches to make room for new growth. It is the best thing you can do for your plants. Here are some of the easy pruning practices and the ways to do it for shrubs and small trees in your garden. We also suggest hiring professional tree care in Croydon to ease the task.

Basic Pruning Tips For the Beautiful Garden

Pruning a Tree

Shape the tree gradually over the period of several years once the tree is a few years old. It will maximise foliage as well as flowering. The branches of the trees must be well-spaced up the trunk and spiralling around it. Do not prune over one-fourth of the tree’s total area annually. Remove the lowest branches to raise the crown of the trees.

Pruning Small Flowering Trees

Refrain from pruning a newly planted or young tree. This is because it requires as many leaves as possible to enable producing food necessary for the growth of roots. Remove injured, dead or broken branches and always ensure to prune back to a healthy branch or stem without leaving stubs.

When Should You Remove an Entire Branch of a Tree?

Use a pruning saw to cut branches over 1 inch in diameter to prevent ripping or stripping bark. Cust as close to the branch collar. Follow these three steps:

On the limb’s bottom, between 6 to 12 inches from the trunk, cut nearly 1/4th of the way through.

Through the limb from the top, nearly one inch above the initial cut.

Entirely via the short remainder stub from top to bottom, right above the branch collar.

Remove suckers- the fast-growing stems that grow up from the base of the trunk or from the roots and water sprouts- the extravigorous shoots that grow directly up from the branches or trunk.

Mature trees don’t need frequent pruning. Simply occasional pruning is enough to retain their appearance and structure. Avoid cutting off the top of a tree’s canopy to decrease its size. It makes them less attractive and more susceptible to pests and weak growth.

Manor Gardens Tree Care offers a wide range of garden services in Croydon. Contact us today or check our website to learn more about our services.

Early Signs of Diseased Trees – How Tree Surgeons Detect them?

tree surgeon in Croydon

Trees are an important part of our environment. They provide numerous benefits, including shade, oxygen, and aesthetic appeal. However, sometimes trees can become unhealthy. They can pose a safety hazard to people and property if left untreated. Therefore, it is crucial to detect early signs of unhealthy trees. Take appropriate action to prevent them from becoming a hazard.

Hire professional tree surgeons in Croydon if you come across damaged trees. They will remove the same and clear your premises.

What are the early signs of an unhealthy tree?

Damaged leaves

One of the easiest ways to detect early signs of an unhealthy tree is to examine its leaves. If the leaves are discoloured or have spots, it may indicate a disease. If the leaves are wilting or falling off prematurely, it may be a sign of root damage or water stress. In addition, if the leaves have holes, it may be a sign of pest infestation.

Moulds on leaves

Look for black, white and grey patches of dust on the leaves. They are mould and mildew formations. These can be fungal infections as well. Call a tree surgeon if you find them in more than one leaf. They will fix the issue.

Look for cracks or splits in the bark

If the tree’s bark has cracks or splits, it may indicate an unhealthy tree. Several factors can cause these cracks or splits. This includes insect infestation, disease, or physical damage. If the cracks are large or deep, it may be a sign that the tree is structurally unsound. It needs to be removed immediately.

Check for fungal growth

Fungal growth around the tree’s base or on the trunk clearly indicates an unhealthy tree. Several factors can cause fungal growth. It can occur due to poor drainage, excessive moisture, or a disease. If you notice any fungal growth on your tree, it is essential to have it inspected by an arborist.


Assess the tree’s structure

An unhealthy tree may have a weakened structure. This can lead to it becoming a safety hazard. Look for signs of leaning branches and call tree surgeons to remove them immediately. Again, if you find large branches of the tree breaking and falling, the tree has serious health issues.


Hire trained and qualified tree surgeons from Manor Garden Tree Care. We provide services for both commercial and domestic clients. Our fully trained tree surgeons can do all types of work, from planting to removal. To know more, check our website.

4 Simple Tree Care Tips for Gardens with Large Trees

tree care in Bromley

It looks beautiful to have large green trees around your windows. But taking care of your garden with large trees can be daunting. It’s important to keep trees healthy and safe, both for your own benefit and for the benefit of your neighbours. Luckily, tree care doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.

Tree care experts in Bromley have tips on regular tree care in and around Bromley to make your job easier.


How to Manage Your Garden with Large Trees?

With regular maintenance, proper pruning, vigilant pest control, and careful monitoring of soil conditions, you can create a lush, green oasis right outside your door – one that will last for years to come!

Here are some simple tips for keeping your landscape looking its best:

1. Regularly water and fertilise: The most important thing you can do for a tree is to give it enough water and fertiliser. Watering should be done regularly, depending on the type of soil your garden has (clay soils will require less frequent watering). Fertilising should also be done regularly, especially in areas with poor soil fertility. Use specific fertiliser types that are suitable for your particular species of tree.

2. Prune regularly: Pruning is necessary to maintain a healthy tree form and structure. Trees should be pruned regularly throughout their life cycle to promote strong growth and prevent disease or insect infestation. To reduce the risk of damage, ensure that only experienced professionals perform pruning work on large trees.

3. Protect from pests: Insects and other pests can cause major damage to trees if left unchecked. Using pest control measures such as spraying with insecticides or introducing beneficial insects into the garden can help protect trees from pest damage. Make sure to use these treatments only when necessary, and always read the labels carefully before using any chemicals near plants or wildlife habitats in your garden.

4. Monitor soil conditions: Soil quality is an important factor in maintaining healthy trees in the garden, so it’s important to monitor soil conditions closely throughout the year by periodically testing pH levels and nutrient contents. Adding organic components such as compost or mulch will help improve soil health over time, providing better nutrition for the roots of the tree and helping retain moisture levels during dry spells.

Apart from all these, you need the assistance and guidance of professional tree care experts. Manor Gardens is a trusted name in this field. Working with our certified arborists or tree surgeon will help keep your garden in its best form throughout the year.

Please get in touch with us for more information.

4 Mistakes to Avoid while Taking Care of Large Trees in Your Garden

tree surgeon in Bromley

Tree care is a crucial part of garden maintenance. The larger trees in a yard, park or landscape require special attention and care to ensure they remain healthy and safe. Trees can become damaged and unhealthy due to improper pruning techniques, disease or pest damage, or incorrect planting and placement. To help your large trees stay healthy and beautiful, you should always hire a professional tree surgeon in Bromley.

But sometimes, property owners make some common tree care mistakes they should avoid to ensure the good health of their gardens.

Tree Care Mistakes You Must Avoid

1. Not Pruning Regularly – Pruning is an essential part of tree care that helps your tree remain healthy and strong. Many people don’t realize that large trees need to be pruned regularly as well as occasionally when branches become too long, heavy or misdirected. Prune the branches with clean cuts just above the collar (the swollen area at the branch’s base). Removing too much foliage can weaken your tree’s structure, so limit pruning to only what’s necessary for shape, health or safety purposes.

2. Wrong Mulching Techniques – Mulching is another important part of caring for large trees as it helps keep moisture in a while, keeping weeds away from the roots. However, too much mulch can smother plants and create an environment where fungi grow rapidly on top of roots and create girding root conditions. To prevent this, ensure your mulch layer is no thicker than 4 inches deep around the trunk, with an outer ring of 12 inches deep further away from the trunk.

3. Ignoring Signs of Disease or Pest Damage – Large trees have increased exposure to pests like borers, aphids or beetles compared to smaller shrubs because their larger size makes them easier targets for these pests’ attacks on their leaves or bark surface areas. Be sure to monitor your trees closely for any signs of disease or pest damage before they get out of hand so you can perform treatments accordingly before it becomes too late for your trees!

4. Planting in The Wrong Spot– Planting a large tree in an unsuitable place might mean that it won’t be able to develop its full potential because it lacks adequate light exposure due to sunlight being blocked by nearby buildings/structures; this results in weakened vigour caused by stunted growth rates leading towards poor overall health conditions in comparison with those planted in open spaces where they receive natural amounts of sunlight throughout daytimes hours.

At Manor Gardens, you can meet experienced and reliable tree surgeons in Bromley. They will help you to take care of the large trees in your garden.

Please get in touch with us for more information.

6 Ways Tree Surgeons Can Improve Your Landscape’s Aesthetics

tree surgeon in Bromley

When it comes to landscape maintenance and improvement, tree surgeons are an important part of the process. There is no question that tree surgeons play a critical role in the aesthetics of any landscape in Bromley. By pruning and trimming trees, they help to ensure that they are healthy and look their best.

In addition, tree surgeons can also help to improve the overall look of a landscape by removing dead or dying trees. By removing these eyesores, they can help to create a more pleasing landscape.

How Can Tree Surgeons Make Your Garden More Appealing?

Here are six ways they can help make your landscape look beautiful and healthy:

1. Pruning: Proper pruning can improve the appearance of a tree, as well as its health and safety. Tree surgeons are experts at pruning trees correctly, so you can be sure that your trees will look their best.

2. Dead Wooding: Dead wooding is the removal of dead or dying branches from a tree. This not only improves the appearance of the tree but also helps to prevent disease and insect infestations.

3. Cabling: Cabling is a technique used to support weak or damaged branches. It involves attaching cables to the branches to hold them in place and prevent them from breaking.

4. Bracing: Bracing is similar to cabling but is used to support the entire trunk of a tree rather than just individual branches. It helps to keep the tree stable and prevents it from splitting or toppling over in high winds.

5. Thinning: Thinning is the removal of excess branches from a tree to improve its structure and shape. This is often done when a tree has become too dense or when there are too many smaller branches competing for light and nutrients.

6. Mulching: Mulching is the application of a layer of organic material around the base of a tree. This helps to protect the roots from heat and cold, as well as from moisture loss and weed growth. It also helps to improve the appearance of the landscape by adding colour and texture.

Overall, it is clear that tree surgeons play a vital role in the aesthetics and health of any landscape. In addition, by removing dead or dying trees, they can help to improve the overall aesthetics of a landscape. This is why you should pay attention to hiring an expert with vast knowledge and the right tools.

Choosing the best Service

Manor Gardens is a bright name in the industry of tree care. We provide a range of services to ensure the good health and aesthetics of your garden and trees. We are fully insured, and NPTC qualified. Our tree surgeons in Bromley always provide all types of tree care services at competitive prices.

Please get in touch with us to know more about our services and their costs.

Why Frequent Pruning and Cutting is Dangerous for Your Tree

tree cutting Bromley

Pruning and cutting is indeed beneficial exercise for maintaining your tree. However, you should also know the time to perform these activities. These are important activities to maintain the health of the tree, and overdoing it may be harmful to your plants.

Follow Systematic Approach to Pruning:

To maintain good health, the gardeners advise cutting and pruning the trees twice a year. A seasonal tree maintenance routine helps keep it in good shape and eliminates nearly all the issues. To perform it in a better way, you should contact a noted tree cutting in Bromley.

Negative Effects of Frequent Tree Cutting:

This blog discusses the harmful effects of frequent cuts on your trees.

  1. Reduced Limb Strength: The strength of the branches and limbs of the tree gets affected when too much of the tree’s foliage is removed. The individual limbs, as a result, cannot hold on to increased stress. These limbs are more likely to break when compared to other smaller branches. To receive uniform strength, you should not cut the branches more often.

  2. More Maintenance Costs: Frequent pruning is the main cause of excessive sprouting. It can hamper the aesthetic quality of the tree and the garden. In situations like these, you need to prune the tree more often. This causes double jeopardy. Not only do you have to pay more for maintenance, but also it damages your tree greatly.

  3. Certain Cuts Causes Decay: Any cut to the tree is like a wound that should be properly healed. The chances of tree decay increase when you inflict frequent cuts on it. A professional tree surgeon would try to prune the tree with the fewest possible cuts. It is also more beneficial for the tree as the chances of damage are less.

  4. Chances of Wind Decay: This is an issue you might face if your garden has trees with greater canopies. The foliage allows the tree to remain strong even during high winds. When you prune the tree frequently, you raise the lower limbs. This hurts the roots and the trunk. As a result, the tree cannot stand strong during a storm.

As you can see, over-pruning or frequent cutting can affect your tree’s health. As a result, it can inflict damage on your whole garden. For better assistance in tree cutting in Bromley, you can visit a reputed source like Manor Gardens Tree Care. We are one of the prominent names in tree maintenance known for four decades. Contact us today to know more.

Signs of Tree Decay that Prompts One to Call Bromley Tree Services

Bromley tree services

Trees are an invaluable asset to a garden, which offer an aesthetic outlook and shade in the summer. However, nature’s fury and years of existence can cause a heavy toll on the condition of a tree. One may find it to be decaying, which is also known as tree failure.

Cure Decayed Tree with Bromley Tree Service:

The structural damage or breakage of any part of the tree is known as a tree failure. There are mainly two types of damage: Catastrophic and Partial. A gardener may observe some basic signs on their trees. These need to be confirmed with the help of a professional Bromley tree service. Keeping decadent trees on the property can be a disastrous decision, as it can affect other trees in the garden.

How to Determine a Failing or Decayed Tree?

A faster diagnosis and treatment of tree failure can save the gardener from further damage. Below, one can find some prominent signs of tree decay.

  • Fungal Growth at Ground Level: When one notices the growth of fungus or mushroom on the base of the tree, they can be assured of tree failure. However, one should also remember that not all mushrooms are harmful to the tree. However, an infestation of fungus on the tree bark should act as a red flag.

  • Sawdust or Shredded Barks: It is a prominent sign that the tree is infested by some kind of insect or pest. Shreds of tree bark or sawdust can typically be found on the tree’s base. The infestation of wood-boring pests is detrimental to the tree. They establish their nest inside the tree, feed off the wood and gradually kill the tree. The worst scenario is that these insects may attack the wooden articles present in the household of the garden owner.

  • Leaning Trees: When someone notices their trees leaning at an angle, they should take cognisance of the matter. The issue may probably be caused by the overloaded growth of the canopy. It is a sign to get the leaves trimmed by taking the help of a professional tree pruning service.

  • Branch and Leaf Health: Barren, smaller foliage on the branches indicates branch diseases. If not diagnosed early, the problem could spiral on and cause complete decay of the tree. Additionally, one should be careful in checking the health of the leaves as well. Areas with fewer leaf growths should be highlighted by the garden owner. The problem should be supervised by an expert tree surgeon.

  • Cavities: Cavities are one of the prominent signs of damage in the tree. There are two types of cavities: Nesting and large cavities. As the name suggests, nesting cavities are caused when a bird or wild animal establishes a nest inside the tree. The larger cavities may result from previous accidents or improper tree care routines.

These are some prominent signs of tree damage that one should take care of. If someone witnesses similar damages described here, they should opt for calling a Bromley tree service. They are professionals who can provide quality assistance in treating the decays of a plant.