Bromley Tree Services

Some people think that spring is the right season for planting more trees and watering them. If you are one of them, it’s high time you debunk the myth. The lack of vegetation symbolises winter. So, tree surgeons at Manor Gardens Tree Care feel that autumn is the ideal time to landscape your yard and refresh your garden.

Consider where you live, and it will become easier for you to decide whether spring or autumn is the right time to plant trees. You might not have to choose a specific planting period if you live somewhere which experiences consistent weather throughout the year. In Bromley and surrounding areas, autumn is the most preferred season to plant trees. Still, the ideal time to plant trees differs from one place to another.

Few Benefits Of Planting Trees In Autumn


• Get Extra Growing Season

Plants go through a lot of stress during the harsh winter and summer. If you want your trees to get some extra growing season, plant them in autumn. The season offers the perfect combination of fall rain and cool temperatures so trees can establish their roots and adjust to extreme droughts or heat experienced during summer. If you think that young trees are not strong enough to withstand harsh winter, get in touch with tree surgeons. Trees become dormant during winter, which slows down their metabolism, growth, and energy consumption. You can consider planting trees until the ground becomes frozen. Trees don’t need extra in their dormant state.

• Plant At The Right Place

Though it is important to choose the right time of the year to plant your trees, you should also ensure that you plant them correctly. You should plant them in the right place. The first thing you have to do is evaluate the space to ensure it is suitable for the tree species you choose to plant. Please avoid planting too close to other structures as your plants might not get the required shade, sun, or moisture. If you don’t want to plant trees over underground utility lines, hire an experienced tree surgeon for the task. You should plant your trees properly if you want them to get the proper care.

• After-Care

Some trees require sufficient care throughout the year. You should create a mulch ring around newly planted or young trees. Just make sure that you don’t end up piling the mulch against the truck. You should also water your trees just after planting, so many think autumn is the right time to plant them. Look for a reputed company in Bromley for tree services, and their tree surgeons will ensure that your trees get sufficient care. They will also let you know how often you should plant your trees. You can dig a 1-inch hole using a trowel. You might not have to water your plants often if the soil is moist to touch.

Since there are so many benefits of planting your trees in autumn, it’s time you get in touch with the experienced arborists at Manor Gardens Tree Care.